Release Imbalances with The Body Code

Energy healer and holistic health coach Melina
Stroumpis, owner of The Divine is Within, has added The Body Code to her
holistic healing practice with a buy two, get one free summer special. The Body
Code taps into the body’s inner knowledge and releases underlying imbalances
contributing to physical, mental and emotional issues. She is also a certified
Emotion Code practitioner, helping clients release emotional baggage to
ultimately find more overall balance, open-heartedness and even relief of
physical symptoms.
reminds her clients that their body already knows how to heal. Sometimes it
simply needs blocks removed to do its job more easily and naturally, making
life easier, as well. She uses practical healing solutions and energy healing
modalities to address almost any condition. Stroumpis has seen great results
with trauma, anxiety, sleep issues, fatigue and chronic pain.
For more
information, call 904-325-6622 or visit